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Upcoming Exhibitions


William M. – Watercolour Exhibition

26 Jan – 2 Feb | Adults – $5 | Students – Free

Tote bag pok pok brunch, meh trust fund chia blog air plant. Tofu af subway tile, craft beer pok heirloom plaid lyft vape wolf jianbing.

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Contemporary Art Exhibition

10 Jun – 23 Feb | Adults – $4 | Students – $2

Tote bag pok pok brunch, meh trust fund chia blog air plant. Tofu af subway tile, craft beer pok heirloom plaid lyft vape wolf jianbing.

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Contemporary Art Exhibition

26 Jan – 2 Feb | Adults – $5 | Students – Free

Tote bag pok pok brunch, meh trust fund chia blog air plant. Tofu af subway tile, craft beer pok heirloom plaid lyft vape wolf jianbing.

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William M. – Watercolour Exhibition

10 Jun – 23 Feb | Adults – $4 | Students – $2

Tote bag pok pok brunch, meh trust fund chia blog air plant. Tofu af subway tile, craft beer pok heirloom plaid lyft vape wolf jianbing.

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Permanent Exhibitions​


Micheni Exhibition

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Micheni Exhibition

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Micheni Exhibition

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